Welcome to our blog, we are the sandmen, Guy Cockin, Tavis Walker and James Vessey, three archaeologists (in some cases ex archaeologists) who have risen to the challenge of the Plymouth Banjul rally. The rally occurs annually and is what might be called the banger equivilant of the Paris Dakar race. The rally is all about raising money for charity, in our case Wateraid www.wateraid.org.uk. So if you want to aid us in our drive to raise £4000 you can donate via paypal on this website!

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Jeep has landed

As of 5pm tonight we are the proud owners of a fantastic Jeep Cherokee! James went to collect it from Solus, a major vehicle accident repair company who have moved heaven and earth to prep the car for us! Look below for the before pictures and look at it now! We owe a great debt of thanks to Bluecycle and Solus for providing our vehicle, and not just providing it but prepping it to the highest standard!

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