Welcome to our blog, we are the sandmen, Guy Cockin, Tavis Walker and James Vessey, three archaeologists (in some cases ex archaeologists) who have risen to the challenge of the Plymouth Banjul rally. The rally occurs annually and is what might be called the banger equivilant of the Paris Dakar race. The rally is all about raising money for charity, in our case Wateraid www.wateraid.org.uk. So if you want to aid us in our drive to raise £4000 you can donate via paypal on this website!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Minefield melodrama

Well we are finally back in contact after reaching civilisation! On our last post we were heading for the Mauritanian border, suffice to say it wasn't a picnic!

We arrived at a service station 50k from the border which happened to have a hotel, as usual there was no room at the inn, no problem we can camp. Following Team bodge we found a bijou campsite just of the road, excellent, untill a police car pulled up, bugger were going to get moved on! But oh no, it was far worse than that, 'dont go any further your on the edge of a minefield'. Everybody froze, luckily it became clear that the minefield was a few hundred yards further and we were OK where we were. After a fitful nights sleep it was off to the border for our daily dose of corruption.

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