Welcome to our blog, we are the sandmen, Guy Cockin, Tavis Walker and James Vessey, three archaeologists (in some cases ex archaeologists) who have risen to the challenge of the Plymouth Banjul rally. The rally occurs annually and is what might be called the banger equivilant of the Paris Dakar race. The rally is all about raising money for charity, in our case Wateraid www.wateraid.org.uk. So if you want to aid us in our drive to raise £4000 you can donate via paypal on this website!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Our quest for a vehicle!

On being accepted for the challenge our first hurdle was sourcing a vehicle, hmmm easy you might say, but there is a catch, the vehicle has to be left hand drive. Luckily bluecycle.com, an online motor salvage auction came to the rescue and agreed to sponser us (We can't thank Robin Scarborough enough), what luck! After much searching they came up with a Jeep Cherokee, perfect. As I write the Jeep is being serviced and repaired at one of their yards. We plan to pick it up in London next week.

Here are a few pics of the vehicle at their yard before being fixed up:

Sponsership total so far £250

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