Welcome to our blog, we are the sandmen, Guy Cockin, Tavis Walker and James Vessey, three archaeologists (in some cases ex archaeologists) who have risen to the challenge of the Plymouth Banjul rally. The rally occurs annually and is what might be called the banger equivilant of the Paris Dakar race. The rally is all about raising money for charity, in our case Wateraid www.wateraid.org.uk. So if you want to aid us in our drive to raise £4000 you can donate via paypal on this website!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Near death experience and a traffic violation

A 6am start for the 27th to drop Guy off at the airport, at least there were luxery toilets to look forward too althugh as usual paper was lacking! Our target today was Layoune, a long drive with slow lorries two a penny. Naturally we wanted to unleash our 4 litre monster with exciting overtaking manouvers, all went well until James pulled out to overtake a slow lorry only to find hi,self face to face with an oncoming taxi doing 100k! Unfortunatly we were hemmed in by a lorry and a ditch, nothing for it but to stamp on the brakes and vere in behind the lorry, a quick check of pulses while Tavis extracted himslf from th glove box and everything was OK.

Continuing at a more sedate pace progress was good, or was untill we reached a steep hill where the lorries were doing about 10 miles an hour, another, in this case safe overtaking manouvere was called for. However on reaching the top of the hill a policeman popped out from behind a lorry and flagged us down, bugger. After fabricating an offence of overtaking in a dangerous place we were 400 Dihram down, in our defence we are driving far more safely than the locals who seem to think the highway code is something to stuff under a table leg to stop it wobbling!

With the sun setting we thought it wise to stop in Tan Tan for the night, on the plus side we caught up with Team Lover Rover who are also in a Jeep Cherokee , albeit a hairdresser version.

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